Rise festival – media team

by | Oct 10, 2022

As the media team lead for RiSE Festival, I had the unique opportunity to capture one of the most magical events of the year. The festival, held annually in the Mojave Desert, is a truly breathtaking experience that brings people from all walks of life together to release lanterns into the night sky.

As soon as I was hired, my first priority was to assemble a talented team of professionals who could capture the festival in all its glory. I hired two photographers, four cinematographers, a DIT, and a video editor who were all passionate about their craft and dedicated to creating exceptional content.

Together, we spent weeks preparing for the festival, discussing creative concepts what gear made the most sense. We knew we had one chance to get it right, and we were determined to capture the essence of the event in a way that would move and inspire viewers.

When the day of the festival finally arrived, our team worked tirelessly to capture every moment, from the opening ceremonies to the release of the lanterns. We were constantly on the move, positioning ourselves in the best locations to capture the action and working together to get the perfect shots.

As soon as the festival ended, we huddled together to review the footage and begin editing. We had just one hour to deliver a 30-second thank you video and a 90-second recap video that would capture the spirit of the festival and leave a lasting impression on viewers.

With our collective skills and experience, we were able to pull it off. We created two beautiful videos that perfectly captured the magic and beauty of RiSE Festival, leaving the founder and owner of the festival, Dan Hill, moved to tears.

It was a moment that I will never forget. To see the impact that our work had on someone who was so passionate about the festival was truly rewarding. Our team had not only accomplished our goal of capturing the essence of the festival, but we had also created something that had a profound impact on someone else.

In conclusion, being in charge of the media team for RiSE Festival was an incredible experience that I will never forget. It was a unique opportunity to work with a team of talented professionals to capture one of the most beautiful events of the year. And, at the end of it all, to see the impact that our work had on someone else was truly the cherry on top of a gig.